I can't get into my vacation posts (a whole month's worth) because I am still reeling from the surrealness of it all. I plan on accomplishing it during the holiday season (read: tamad mode for all office personnel), once I get an idea on how to start. So for now, I shall bore your with my spur of the moment shopping adventures.
We had our group christmas party last night, and the theme was "White". Yes, just white. Do not get me started on how "white" is not even a color, let alone a theme. The invite asked us to "come in our white outfits", and I forsaw a gaggle of employees looking like nurses and caregivers. My boss also hated the idea and loathed the unglamorous theme. Since our formal event in August, she's been wanting to don fascinators. Not letting a moment of kalandian pass, I suggested that the ladies of our department wear fascinators to spice up our white outfits. So last Thursday, she sent me and our office mother on a mission. To go to Divisoria and secure fascinators for the 9 ladies in our department, and phantom masks for 5 of the men.
We took the LRT from Katipunan to Recto and a jeep to Divisoria. We arrived at 1:30 in the afternoon and loads of people, clothes on hangers and on the floor, and the sweltering heat welcomed us. The last time I had gone to Divi to shop was when I was still in first year college, so I was hot on the heels of my companion, otherwise I will be a lost duck.
We first ventured onto Tabora Street (farther end) and quickly found Phantom masks for the guys in our department. We found white full face masks for Php30, and asked the kind kuya to cut it into phantom style for free. We continued on, but had no luck finding white fascinators. We exited the street and went to the entrance of the famed 168Mall. But before we entered, my Divisoria Seasoned companion told me to cross the street since there was a small two-storey shop on the other side who sold lots of accessories. We climbed to the second floor and I saw walls and racks and shelves filled with earrings, bracelets, rings and other accessories. I momentarily forgot my mission and beelined towards the rings. To cut the long story short, I had purchased the following items for myself.
We left that store without any fascinators (they didn't have white ones) and proceeded to venture into 168. We searched high and low, without any luck. Our office mother called a friend (a veteran Divisoria shopper) and asked a better place to look for the fascinators. She told us to go to 999 Mall the newest (I think) mall in Divi and just across 168. As we entered 999, the first accessory stall thankfully had fascinators! In white! So while my companion was busy selecting 9 (although there weren't a lot to choose from), I was distraced by the display of cocktail rings that were priced 3 for 100. Needless to say, we accomplished our mission and I got to score some Php34 rings!
I had bought two other nail polish bottles one in glittery green and one in matte crimson for Php70 each. Clearly, these are imitation OPI products but I didn't care.
rainbow rings (Php50 for 6 rings), rubber bracelets (just last Sunday, I saw some in SM although I doubt the price can compete with my Php18 bargain), cocktail rings -- including a 'stache ring! (3 for Php100), rose metal ring (php50 for 3 rings), silver and blue slim rings (Php20), stone gray matte polish (Php40), "OPI" Polishes (Php70 ea)