21 August 2012

"haba" holiday

In Filipino, "haba" means length, which is totally appropriate for the extra long weekend that passed. You see, Aug 20 (Mon) and Aug 21 (Tue) were declared holidays for 2012. Coincidentally, it was the same weekend my friends and I were booked to take an adventure in a not-so-popular holiday destination. We were set to leave on Aug 16 (Thu) and come back on Aug 19 (Sun). So I was on leave for two days, then the weekend, then two more days of non-work. I love it!

The trip I took this weekend was the first DIY trip that had to be executed on my own. There were a lot of times when I'd miss my partner-in-crime, but at the end of the day, I was really proud that I had done it all and the trip was a success. There is a lot of room for improvement, which I have all noted, but I am very thankful that my companions heeded my call times, well, most of them at least. I was asked by someone on the trip if I had kept a blog of my numerous adventures, DIY or otherwise, since I loved to travel, and more importantly, loved to travel on a budget. But the answer is No, I don't.

I reason that I am too lazy take note of every situation, that it's not in my nature to take a picture of every turn that I take. But it is mostly because I feel that the adventures I have are too remarkable that my words might not bring them justice. But who knows, maybe someday soon, I might just start back tracking and sharing my experiences as input to other people who want to have their breaths taken away on a budget.

When I got home from my trip, I was greeted by my big family at home. Since it was the weekend, they gathered at our house for good food and mahjong/ps3/monopoly deal sessions. Our house just got silent this morning. During our chill time, as we were waiting for sleep to befall us, we played around with the henna ink  my friend got me from India. Years of writing my name in different strokes, as well as my practise with glitter glues paid off.

That's it for now.
Wait for my travel series. I hope I get to it soon!


<3, dee